A Course in Cacao: The Art of Ceremony – Live Online February 22 – March 23, 2025


A Course in Cacao

The Art of Ceremony

A lifetime investment in yourself through learning the path of Cacao. ✨

February 22-March 29, 2025

The course will be held online via Zoom.
The meetings will be held twice per week during the following times:
Wednesdays @ 7:00pm-9:00pm Eastern Time
Saturdays @ 11:00am-1:00pm Eastern Time

Course Cost/Energetic Exchange:

$1,111 – includes all 11 live sessions + lifetime access to recordings
(Early bird price of $555 available until January 15th)
(Mid-tier price of $777 until February 9th)
**Read on below for payment plan and scholarship info.**

What’s included?

– The complete 5-week on-line Course in Cacao
– All course handouts and materials, given out weekly before each associated session
– 1 FREE block of Holy Wow Cacao!
– E-book on Cacao – “Cacao, the fruit that can change your life” by Isabella Benucci

Hello and Welcome! Thank you for considering this course to enrich your knowledge and understanding of Cacao. After 9+ years working with this amazing plant medicine, offering it in 100’s of ceremonies across the world, 5 years as the direct producer of ceremonial Cacao in Guatemala, and offering many 1-on-1 private trainings, we are taking this offering live and to the world at large!

What’s does A Course in Cacao consist of? What and How will you Learn and Grow? Read on!

This course consists of:

  • A 5-week Journey into all you need to know about Cacao, for a personal practice or to hold ceremony within your community.
  • History and Traditions: A deep dive into the cultures working with Cacao from around the world, but particularly in Mesoamerica.
  • Source to Ceremony: The Cacao life-cycle, including the ecology of how and where it grows, what the processing looks like to bring it from seed to block, how it reaches your cup, and what the difference is in ceremonial cacao compared to the way other lesser quality cacao is grown.
  • Body, Mind & Spirit: Psychological and Physiological Effects & Benefits
  • The Art of Ceremony: Space-Holding w/Cacao for Your Community
  • Self-Confidence: Learn and grow together while overcoming any “imposter-syndrome” to be ready to carry your knowledge to the world or feel more confident in working with Cacao on a personal basis.

In addition to the above we remind you…

  • This is an invitation for self-care, self-love, and to listen deep within; gaining greater self-awareness and clarity in your life.
  • Gratitude is the source and the attitude of what this medicine of Cacao is all about. It is called a medicine because it helps us to heal, to be whole, and to REMEMBER. This journey will not be simple and empirical, it will be a deep journey inwards towards greater healing, growth awareness and understanding within one’s self.

These are just a few snippets of the wealth of material you will receive, however, HOW you will learn is just important.

  • Ceremony Space: The structure of this course is meant to give you a very tangible experience of live learning with the course instructors and to receive the material in a fashion that will allow us to learn while in ceremony.
  • Pre/Post/Live Learning: You will receive course materials before each of the sessions, so as to review, then receive the teachings live, and have a digested understanding to ask questions in real-time.
  • Q&A: These sessions will be held in a group format and thus we will all learn and grow with one-another as each person has their unique perspective and will think to ask questions that perhaps another might not consider.


Your Guide:
Creative visionary, founder and journeyman of Holy Wow Cacao project, Mat Chandler (a.k.a. Mateo Solecito,) will be guiding you on this deep journey and adventure of the mind, body and soul. Mat is a kundalini yoga teacher, sound healer, BioDynamic Cranial Touch practitioner, Thai Massage Yogi, Life Coach, Architect and Builder, and more.

Perhaps most relevant in this context, is his 10 years in working with Cacao. After 5 years of owning/operating/guiding Aurora Healing Arts in Gainesville, FL and discovering Cacao there, he moved to Guatemala to work with this plant from the ground up, full time! He has guided ceremonies, trainings, Cacao dances and much more, across the world! He is excited to bring this wealth of experience and knowledge to you.

Transmission: Perhaps most important, is the transmission that happens in real-time between student and teach. In this context, we will all be both, student and teacher, and there will be a profound learning we will gain through our work with Cacao together in this container. Transmission is what happens beyond all words and forms and is why we highly encourage this container as opposed to simply learning by reading online and not having a live experience. Experiential learning is KEY!

Self Investment:

The energy-exchange for this journey, this teaching, the material, the time, this therapeutic and growthful process, is $1,111.

Need a little time to pay? Upon checkout you will see a payment option, which is one is PayPal “Pay Later.” This will give you interest-free pay later options to spread out the financial outlay into a minimum of 4 payments over 4-weeks, and up to 6 months if needed.

5% to a Good Cause! Additionally, 5% of all sales will go back to education scholarships in Guatemala where we sponsor children to go a local independent Waldorf-style school and will learn tools to raise themselves out of poverty and into open-minded free-spirited leaders in their community.

(Please remember that the value of this course is not only in the time given in each session, but in the valuable course material you will receive, and the many years of experience being packaged and delivered in a digestible, tangible and personal way; excelling your personal growth in working with Cacao and holding ceremony. In fact, in just one ceremony of 15-20 people, you will cover the cost of your investment.)

Lastly, if you are in sincere need of financial assistance, please notify us, as we will be offering (2) 50% discount scholarships.

If you have any questions, please send us an email at hellonow@holywowcacao.com and we will get back to you right away!


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